
Press Release

At a meeting in London on 31 October, UK chemical business leaders, the Chemical Industries Association and the Chemistry Innovation Knowledge Transfer Network agreed to work collectively on delivering a long term strategy to deliver sustainable growth for the UK chemical and chemistry using industries.

Responding positively to the government’s commitment towards an industrial strategy for the country, this work will support a high value manufacturing growth agenda for the UK with key expectations of both industry and government, working in partnership and with other stakeholders.  The primary objective will be to strengthen the long term competitiveness of chemical and chemistry using businesses throughout the UK, with a particular focus on boosting innovation, investment and exports; facilitating access to finance; illustrating and strengthening value chains and enabling the industry to deliver low carbon solutions to business and communities whilst securing competitive and sustainable energy supplies.

This industry-led group will aim to present a strategic vision and related recommendations to government by 31 March 2013.

The work will be led by chemical and chemistry using business leaders, the Chemical Industries Association and the Chemistry Innovation Knowledge Transfer Network and will also seek to engage with all relevant stakeholders to ensure as inclusive an approach as possible.


Notes to Editors

Chemical Industries Association

Chemistry Innovation Limited

For more information contact Simon Marsh, [email protected] or call 07951 389197

Media & PR enquiries

For Media enquiries, please contact:

Simon Marsh

07951 389197

[email protected]


Diana Tamayo 

07885 831615

[email protected]