
Press Release

The Process Safety Leadership Group (PSLG), which is made up of key representatives from several high hazard industries on Thursday 16 July launched a set of key principles to enhance the safety of their industrial processes.

The Process Safety Principles set out eight guidelines emphasising the importance of strong leadership from the board to the factory floor to manage the risks of potentially dangerous industrial processes. Companies will now be expected to show real progress towards learning from previous incidents and improving the management and control of process safety hazards.

The Principles are consistent with the elements of the chemical industry's Responsible Care programme - which is the cornerstone of effective and responsible management of operations by CIA member companies. By applying Responsible Care the CIA has already been taking a leading role in process safety work.

Stephen Elliott, CIA Chief Executive, said "the chemical industry has a good record on process safety and learning from other sectors, and in response to the Buncefield and Texas City incidents we published a Best Practice Guide in 2008 based on detailed research of leadership in our member companies. But we can never be complacent and must always be looking for continuous improvement. The Process Safety Principles launched today are a timely reminder of the responsibility industry leaders have to ensure that we minimise the risks from our high hazard processes to employees and to the general population around chemical sites. "

Contact Name: Fiona Ferguson

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