
Press Release

Following the Prime Minister's speech today, the Chemical Industries Association - the trade body for one of the UK's largest manufacturing exporters - has urged businesses across the country to continue playing their part in informing the Government's plans for exiting the EU.

Steve Elliott Chief Executive said "The country has been asking the Prime Minister and her Government to provide more detail on Brexit and she has started to do that today. It is now up to all of us to inform the objectives she has laid out today with our questions, our evidence, our analysis and anything else to support the Government's negotiations for the best possible outcome for our country. Only by doing that can we be sure that the Government will get the best deal for the UK".

He continued "Whilst the clarity around leaving the single market and not pursuing full membership of the Customs Union will concern many in the business community, it was also very reassuring to hear the Prime Minister explicitly reference chemicals and pharmaceuticals as key sectors of the economy where she believed it would be in the UK and broader EU's best interests to minimise disruption to trade and investment as we move out of the single market and towards a new Free Trade Agreement".

Elliott concluded "With that in mind let's unite and make sure we play our part in delivering an outcome which gives businesses the confidence to invest and grow in our country. In a couple of months the real negotiations get underway and our sector - with our 500,000 quality jobs across the UK, including in the north of England and Scotland, our export surplus and our commitment to science and innovation - is ready to play its part in delivering a new future for the United Kingdom". 


For further information please call Simon Marsh 07951 389197.

The chemical and pharmaceutical industry adds £15 billion of value to the UK economy every year from total annual turnover of around £50 billion. 

The UK is a leading global chemical and pharmaceutical producer.

Over £4 billion of capital and R&D investment is made by UK chemical and pharmaceutical companies.

The sector employs around 140,000 people directly and supports in total around half a million jobs in the UK economy. The direct workforce is highly skilled and earns on average 30% more than the average UK manufacturing worker.

Media & PR enquiries

For Media enquiries, please contact:

Simon Marsh

07951 389197

[email protected]


Diana Tamayo 

07885 831615

[email protected]