
Press Release

The UK Chemical Industry, Britain’s number one manufacturing exporter, has told a global audience that innovation and leadership will underpin growth for the future. In speeches to an audience of global business leaders, politicians and the media meeting in London on 15 November, the industry trade body the Chemical Industries Association will point to its work on the growth agenda with innovation at the heart.

CIA Chief Executive Steve Elliott will tell the audience that over 80% of his members expect to maintain and enhance sales over the next year, 85% will maintain or grow the size of their workforce, 94% will maintain or increase spending on research & development and over 75% will maintain or increase capital expenditure.

He will say “Don’t let anyone say this industry is not committed to the future, to growth and to the UK. Through science innovation we are showing a clear link to economic growth. Our work will look at how we need to strengthen the long term competitiveness of chemical and chemistry using businesses throughout the UK, with a particular focus on boosting innovation, investment and exports; facilitating access to finance; illustrating and strengthening value chains and enabling the industry to deliver low carbon solutions to business and communities whilst securing competitive and sustainable energy supplies.”

The gathering will also hear that the chemical industry in the UK now enjoys the highest reputation of any in Europe among the general public and among opinion leaders.


Notes to Editors:

Steve Elliott will make his speech to the 2012 Chemical Industries Association Annual Dinner at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London

Chemical Industries Association

For an interview with Steve Elliott, please call Simon Marsh 07951 389197

Media & PR enquiries

For Media enquiries, please contact:

Simon Marsh

07951 389197

[email protected]


Diana Tamayo 

07885 831615

[email protected]