
CIA News

Today, 3 April 2019, the chemical industry are urging politicians to agree a deal to bring the certainty business needs to invest.

Steve Elliott, Chief Executive of the Chemical Industries Association said: “Politicians have an incredibly hard job to do on all issues, Brexit especially. The Brexit referendum divided the country with a close result. Whatever conclusion is reached will not please everybody. Yet, every day, businesses have to compromise, people have to compromise and now it is time for politicians to compromise. The chemical industry urgently needs the Government to agree a deal with the European Union that allows businesses to import and export as freely as possible, with continuity of regulation. That outcome gives us our best opportunity to secure and grow business investment across the UK which is critical to many communities as it provides jobs and money that is then spent in local areas. So come on politicians, the outcome may not be perfect and may not deliver all you want, but let’s go for what we can get and then work together, through the democratic system, to improve it in the years ahead”.



For further information, please contact CIA's Simon Marsh on 07951 389197 or [email protected] 

About the UK chemical industry

  • The chemical and pharmaceutical industry adds £18 billion of value to the UK economy every year from total annual turnover of £50 billion.
  • In addition to gross value added, the sector also contributes to the UK economy in its position at the head of many supply chains within manufacturing and its employment of a well remunerated, high-skilled workforce. We support 500,000 jobs both directly and indirectly Chemical manufacturing adds £9 billion in gross value added annually and pharmaceutical manufacturing £9 billion.
  • The wider chemical and pharmaceutical sector (manufacturing plus distribution) is the largest exporter of manufactured goods with annual exports of over £50 billion. The export of motor vehicle, trailers and semi-trailers is the sector with next highest exports of £35 billion. Aerospace is £32 billion.
  • 63% of companies in the sector export what they make to the world, the highest proportion of any goods manufacturing sector in the UK economy. 60% of our exports go to the European Union and 75% of our imports and raw materials come from the European Union.
  • The sector’s level of business investment is £4.3 billion, compared to automotive £2.7 billion and aerospace £2.1 billion, while the expenditure on research & development is £5.0 billion (automotive £2.7 billion and aerospace £2.1 billion).
  • The products and technologies of the Chemical industry are essential parts of medicines, food & drink, telecommunications, energy-saving, I.T, clothing and much more.
  • For every tonne of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emitted, our products and technologies enable over 2 tonnes of GHG emissions savings.

Media & PR enquiries

For Media enquiries, please contact:

Simon Marsh

07951 389197

[email protected]


Diana Tamayo 

07885 831615

[email protected]