
Press Release

Welcoming the start of a new exhibition at the Department for Business, innovation and Skills, CIA Chief Executive Steve Elliott has urged education and business to jointly celebrate the Government’s See Inside Manufacturing programme.

Elliott said “See Inside Manufacturing continues the focus on rebalancing the economy which we welcome. I am proud the chemical industry is part of the 2013 programme and I hope businesses and schools the length and breadth of the UK will embrace this opportunity to work together on building a strong manufacturing base for our country.”

Business Minister Michael Fallon said “The chemicals sector makes it possible to produce a wide variety of essentials, from food and drinking water to medicines and plastics. It’s an interesting and diverse career to get involved in, and that is why I’m pleased that the Chemical Industries Association and the sector is giving young people the opportunity to see this for themselves by getting behind the scenes of chemicals manufacturing.”


Notes to Editors:

Chemical Industries Association is the organisation that represents chemical and pharmaceutical businesses throughout the UK

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