
Press Release

Chemical and pharmaceutical businesses have  urged government to ensure its forthcoming legislative programme focuses on supporting growth to deliver social and environmental benefits as well as economic advantages.

Speaking ahead of the Queen’s Speech, the Chief Executive of the Chemical Industries Association Steve Elliott said:

“Our businesses are looking for clarity to Britain’s confused energy policy and a kick-start for innovation. By doing this the products and technologies of our sector will underpin the UK’s manufacturing base. A vibrant chemical and pharmaceutical sector in the UK will see Britain making the medicines, foods and environmentally-friendly goods that we all want to see.

We want to work with government to deliver a sound economic policy that benefits all the regions of our country. I want to see a manufacturing and science Bill to bring legal foundation for the recognition and support of businesses who innovate and make things which are meeting the challenges of society”.



The forthcoming legislative programme will be announced in the Queen’s Speech on Wednesday 8 May

The Chemical and Pharmaceutical industry in the UK:

  • Contributes £70 million a day to the UK economy, equivalent to £20 billion per year
  • Spends over a £1 billion each year on capital investment
  • Invests more than £5 billion each year on research and development
  • Manufactures products and technologies that are delivering a green economy, including delivering twice the energy saving for society compared to what we use
  • Provides work for 600,000 people and pay in our sector is around 40% higher than manufacturing generally
  • Is the UK’s number one manufacturing exporter

For an interview with/further comment from Steve Elliott, please call Simon Marsh on 07951 389197

Media & PR enquiries

For Media enquiries, please contact:

Simon Marsh

07951 389197

[email protected]


Diana Tamayo 

07885 831615

[email protected]